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Giving Back

Giving Back

Yes, our main thing is boat repair and ship maintenance for sure, but we believe we have a responsibility to give back to local and international programs supporting youth, sailing and the environment. To make sure we are fulfilling our goals, we are dedicating a portion of every sale to one of these nonprofits. Our donations will be focused on two nonprofits which are close to our hearts. We have chosen these NGO’s because of their dedication to teaching children on the water and helping to keep them healthy.

We encourage you to consider donations to these two favorite organizations of ours:

Floating Doctors

Floating Doctors (FD) mission is to reduce the present and future burden of disease in Panama and the developing world, and to promote improvements in health care delivery worldwide. Floating Doctors provides free acute and preventative health care services which include general medicine, dentistry and veterinary clinics. Their model is to deploy our teams in traditional Ngabe-Bugle indigenous dugout canoes called ‘cayucos’ to reach the target communities scattered across 10,000+ miles of archipelago and coastal mountains they serve. These craft can navigate much shallow waters and up rivers, allowing our teams to reach isolated rural jungle villages much more easily.


Medical care which is delivered by staff and volunteers alike is the only care many of these indigenous communities receive. Imagine seeing a dentist for the first time at 16! There is much to do because in addition to medical care, these communities also need education on healthy life habits such as learning to brush teeth, adapt a healthy diet to reduce diabetes which is rampant there, and family planning to reduce the many births most women have.


Volunteers are a critical part of their life-blood because fees for participation are much of what keeps Floating Doctors afloat! Donors may choose to join other volunteers for a week or more of volunteering in Bocas Del Toro.


Founded in 2010, Floating Doctors is a US 501c3 organization located in Bocas de Toro, Panama. To volunteer at FD you must be 18 or accompanied by an adult. To learn more, refer to their website or reach out to us so we can share our personal volunteer experiences with you.


With your support, mothers will receive pre- and postnatal care, children will receive regular well checks, monitoring, and intervention.

Phone: 623-910-6049

Call of the Sea

Call of the Sea, located in Sausalito, offers Bay Area youth an opportunity to sail traditionally rigged vessels and to learn about the marine environment as well as maritime history — while inspiring them to be stewards of the sea and earth. These programs give students a chance to experience hands-on STEM education which promotes scientific inquiry and environmental stewardship. Students also learn about the Bay Area’s maritime history, how to navigate using mathematics, ‘learn the ropes’ (sail and steer ship, set sails), collect water samples to analyze water quality, and much more.


Imagine the possibilities which come to mind when you are first experiencing the sound and power of the wind, or tuning in to the onboard noises of lines squeaking and sails flapping – all while sailing on the Bay without any city noises. A new world opens young and eager minds on board a floating classroom. These classrooms are known for instilling a newfound confidence in youth which stays with them for a lifetime. Scholarships are available.


Contact Call of the Sea to learn about their many programs for youth as well as opportunities for the public to sail, especially on sailing “holidays” such as Fourth of July and Opening Day on the Bay.


Your donation will go towards supporting scholarships for youth

Phone: 415-331-3214